Grounded innovation
Grounded innovation encapsulates four simple principles

1. Focus on real and grounded problems.
Focus on learning about the problem, and not just rushing towards a solution. Spend a substantial part of the time (i.e. 1/3 total time) more deeply understanding the problem. Focussing on and creating a much clearer understanding of the problem not only builds a large amount of shared learning, it also often defines the only practicable solution as part of the process. This is the antithesis of Blue-Sky Innovation, where the problem is often created to fit the solution.
2. Document the agreed challenge and its context.
If you write it down then there is more chance that everyone shares the same understanding of the problem and its context. Without doing so then often people’s understanding of the problem and context can be different and can lead to divergence later. This also applies to learnings that are captured on the journey.
3. Have a clear owner, not just a sponsor.
An owner would own the problem and has the resources and authority to build, land and own the solution. If the problem is overtaken, disappears, or if the owner is unable to land the solution then stop the work and move on. A sponsor is typically an interested party, but not having an owner will typically just lead to creating innovation theatre.
4. Build an agile team of problem, solution and business experts.
Convening challenge, solution and business experts allows a rapid sharing and deeper understanding of both the challenge space and the solution space. As the goal is to deploy a solution, then you need to involve experts at all stages of the project that will impact the shape of the solution. This means that any business constraints placed on the solution are considered as and when they become relevant rather than as blockers at the end. An agile approach allows for higher-risk aspects to be addressed early, and for any changes to be adopted quickly. Keeping the team together for the duration keeps the solution aligned to the challenge and reduces the chance of divergence and feature creep.
The grounded innovation is 4 simple stages

If you would like to know more then either reach out to us, or there is a fuller description here.
Grounded future
Empowering organisations through innovation
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